A Simple Sweater Model


A Simple Sweater Model


To fit bust: 81(86:92:97:102:107:112)cm

You will need:

  •  10(11:11:12:13:13:14) 50g hanks of Debbie Bliss Paloma in Denim Blue 029
  • Pair each of 9mm and 10mm knitting needles


To fit bust 81(86:92:97:102:107:112)cm; Finished measurements Bust 90(96:103:106:113:120:126)cm; Length to back neck 50(52:54:56:58:60:62)cm; Sleeve length 46(46:46:48:48:48:50)cm.

10(11:11:12:13:13:14) 50g hanks of Debbie Bliss Paloma in Denim Blue 029.
Pair each of 9mm and 10mm knitting needles.

12 sts and 18 rows to 10cm square over st st using 10mm needles.

beg beginning; cm centimetres; cont continue; inc increase; k knit; m1 make one st by picking up and working into back of loop lying between st just worked and next st; p purl; psso pass slipped st over; rem remaining; reprepeat; RS right side; ssk [slip 1] twice, insert tip of left hand needle from left to right through the fronts of both slipped sts and work 2 tog; st(s) stitch(es); st-st stocking stitch; tog together.

To reduce the bulk in the seams, join with mattress st taking  a half st from each edge into the seam.

** With 9mm needles, cast on 55(59:63:65:69:73:77) sts. 1st rb row (RS) K1, [p1, k1] to end. 2nd  rib  row P1, [k1, p1] to end. These 2 rows form the rib. Rib a further 4 rows. Change to 10mm needles. Beg with a k row, work in st-st until back measures 31(32:33:34:35:36:37)cm from cast on edge, ending with a p row.
Shape  underarms and  raglans
Cast off 2(3:3:3:3:4:4) sts at beg of next 2 rows. 51(53:57:59:63:65:69) sts. Next  row K1, p1, ssk, k to last  4 sts, k2tog, p1, k1. Next  row P to end. Rep the last 2 rows 2(3:4:5:6:7:8) times more. 45(45:47:47:49:49:51) sts.  Next row K1, p1, ssk, k to last 4 sts, k2tog, p1, k1. Next row P to end. Next  row K1, p1, k to last 2 sts, p1, k1. Next row P to end **. Rep the last 4 rows 5 times more. 33(33:35:35:37:37:39) sts. Next  row  K1, p1, ssk, k to last 4 sts, k2tog, p1, k1. Next  row P to end. Leave rem 31(31:33:33:35:35:37) sts on a holder.

Work as for Back from ** to **. Rep the last 4 rows 4 times more. 35(35:37:37:39:39:41) sts.
Shape  neck
Next row K1, p1, ssk, k7, turn and cont on these sts only, leave rem sts on a spare needle. Next  row Slipping the first st, cast off 3, p to end. 7 sts. Next row K1, p1, k5. Next  row Slipping the first st, cast off 3, p to end. 4 sts. Next row K1, p1, ssk. Next  row P3. Leave rem 3 sts on a safety pin. With RS facing, slip 13(13:15:15:17:17:19) sts at centre front onto a holder, rejoin yarn to rem sts, slipping the first st, cast off 3, k to last 4 sts, k2tog, p1, k1. 7 sts. Next row P to end. Next  row Slipping the first st, cast off 3 sts, k to last 2 sts, p1, k1. 4 sts. Next row P to end. Next row K2tog, p1, k1. Next row P to end. Leave rem 3 sts on a safety pin.

With 9mm needles, cast on 25(25:27:27:29:29:31) sts. Work 8 rows in rib as given for Back. Change to 10mm needles. Beg with a k row, work 4(4:6:6:8:8:10) rows in st-st. Inc row (RS) K2, m1, k to last 2 rows, m1, k2. Work 7 rows in st-st. Rep the last 8 rows 5(6:5:6:5:6:5) times more, then the inc row again. 39(41:41:43:43:45:45) sts. Cont straight in st-st until sleeve measures 46(46:46:48:48:48:50)cm from cast on edge, ending with a p row.
Shape underarms and raglans
Cast off 2(3:3:3:3:4:4) sts at beg of next 2 rows. 35(35:35:37:37:37:37) sts. Next row K1, p1, ssk, k to last 4 sts, k2tog, p1, k1. Next row P to end. Rep the last 2 rows 6(5:4:3:2:1:0) times more. 21(23:25:29:31:33:35) sts. Next row K1, p1, ssk, k to last 4 sts, k2tog, p1, k1. Next row P to end. Next row K1, p1, k to last 2 sts, p1, k1. Next row P to end. Rep the last 4 rows 3(4:5:6:7:8:9) times more. 13(13:13:15:15:15:15) sts. Next row K1, p1, ssk, k to last 4 sts, k2tog, p1, k1. Next row P to end. Leave rem 11(11:11:13:13:13:13) sts on a holder.

Taking a half st from each edge, join raglan seams, leaving seam open between back and left sleeve. With 10mm needles, across top of left sleeve work k1, p1, k7(7:7:8:8:8:9), p1, k last st tog with first st of 3 sts on left front safety pin, p1, k1, then pick up and k9 down left front neck, k across 13(13:15:15:17:17:19) sts from centre front holder, pick up and k9 sts up right front neck, k1, p1 from right front safety pin, k last st tog with first st of right sleeve top, p1, k7(7:7:8:8:8:9), p1, k last st tog with first st of back, p1, k27(27:29:29:31:31:33), p1, k1. 87(87:91:93:97:97:103) sts. Change to 9mm needles. Beg with a 2nd rib row, work 8cm in rib as given for Back. Cast off in rib.

Taking a half st from each edge, join collar and left back raglan seam. Join underarm seams. Join side and sleeve seams taking  a half st from each edge into the seam.